Understanding the Terminology of Periodontics and Various Treatment Processes Done by these Specialists

Periodontics is a specialized field within dentistry that concentrates on the well-being of the gums and jawbone, which are essential structures that support the teeth.

Understanding the Terminology of Periodontics and Various Treatment Processes Done by these Specialists

Periodontics is a specialized field within dentistry that concentrates on the well-being of the gums and jawbone, which are essential structures that support the teeth. Professionals in this area are known as periodontists. After completing a four-year dental education, these periodontics Smithfield VA undergo an additional three years of intensive training specifically in periodontics to enhance their expertise.

Types of Procedures a Periodontist Performs

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal maintenance is a specific type of dental cleaning that resembles a standard cleaning performed at a general dentist's office. However, it encompasses more than just the cleaning of teeth; during this procedure, the periodontics Smithfield VA or dental hygienist also evaluates the health of the gums and measures the depth of the pockets surrounding the teeth to ensure optimal periodontal health.

Scaling and root planning (periodontal cleaning)

The term "scaling and root planning" (SRP) refers to a comprehensive dental cleaning procedure that is more intensive than a routine cleaning. A key distinction of SRP is the use of local anesthesia to numb the gums, enabling the hygienist to thoroughly clean beneath the gum line, where harmful bacteria may reside. Additionally, this process involves smoothing the roots of the teeth to prevent the accumulation of plaque and bacteria, thereby promoting better oral health.

Periodontal surgery

Gingival flap surgery, commonly referred to as pocket reduction surgery, involves a series of precise incisions made by the periodontics Smithfield VA to carefully lift the gums away from the teeth. This technique provides access to the underlying infection located beneath the gum line. Following a comprehensive cleaning of the tooth roots, the periodontist repositions the gum tissue and secures it in place with sutures.

Gum grafts: This treatment addresses the issue of gum recession, a condition in which individuals lack sufficient healthy gum tissue surrounding their teeth. In the course of a gum graft procedure, the periodontics treatment in Smithfield VA introduces additional tissue to the regions where the gums are insufficiently thick.

Dental bone grafts: Periodontal infections can lead to the deterioration of the bone that provides support for the teeth. In such cases, the periodontist may perform a bone graft to facilitate the regeneration of bone in the affected area, thereby restoring structural integrity.

Surgical crown lengthening: In instances where a tooth fractures close to the gum line, there may not be adequate space to accommodate a dental crown. To resolve this issue, the periodontist can excise a small amount of gum and bone tissue surrounding the tooth, allowing for the proper placement of the crown.

Frenectomy: A frenum is a connective tissue band that links different parts of the body. In the oral cavity, there are two primary types of frena: the lingual frenum and the labial frenum. The labial frenum serves to connect the lip to the gums. In certain cases, a frenum may be excessively tight, leading to complications such as tongue-tie or gum recession. A frenectomy is a procedure performed by a periodontist, during which an incision is made to release the frenum, alleviating the tightness.

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